Thyroid blood tests
Blue Horizon Medicals is the only UK screening provider offering Premium Thyroid Blood Test Profile kits that include the Cortisol and Magnesium levels as standard. These samples can be taken at home using a finger prick collection, or from a blood sample drawn with a vacutainer system.
We are also the only UK screening provider to provide both Active B12 and Total B12 with most of our Thyroid Profiles, so you can compare previous and subsequent tests - regardless of which form has been reported. Also, some authorities on the management of Thyroid disorders believe that there is overlap between B12 and Thyroid problems, and that knowledge of both Active and Total B12 levels is useful in the management of these conditions.
From sales throughout our entire range of Premium Thyroid Blood Test Profile kits, Blue Horizon is proud to make charitable donations to the Thyroid UK charity, which has fantastic resources for those that are invested in their thyroid function. Request your thyroid tests from Blue Horizon Medicals, the household name for premium home thyroid testing.
Choose Advanced Thyroid Testing via the THYROID PREMIUM PLATINUM profile - available as a vacutainer sample only due to the volume of blood required - this thorough and comprehensive thyroid testing profile aims to get to the bottom of any thyroid, and indeed general health, investigation in days rather than months thanks to the number of blood tests conducted on one sample.
Select Intermediate Thyroid Testing via the THYROID PREMIUM GOLD AND SILVER profiles - these tests can be conducted on either finger-prick or vacutainer samples. Both look for thyroid antibodies, which may be present before the standard parameters begin to go out of range. Patients with raised thyroid antibodies alone will often have early symptoms of thyroid disease. The THYROID PREMIUM GOLD additionally includes 3 Vitamin tests, to assess overall health too, and is Blue Horizon’s most popular finger-prick thyroid test.
Achieve Entry Level Thyroid Testing via the THYROID PREMIUM BRONZE profiles. Although these test inclusions (TSH, FT4 and FT3) are available on the NHS, here thyroid tests are usually limited to: definitely TSH, usually FT4, and rarely FT3. Test frequency may also be restricted.
If you are already taking thyroid medication it may be useful to know your FT3 levels to monitor dosing. Because long term stress and anxiety can lead to increased Cortisol levels in the body, it can lead to interference with thyroid function too - as TSH will fall as a direct result of this elevated Cortisol state. The result may be a decrease in thyroid hormone production, as well as an inhibition of T4 to T3 conversion. For this reason, we believe simultaneous knowledge of your Cortisol level is essential too – so much so that a test is now included as standard in all Blue Horizon Postal Thyroid Profiles. Magnesium testing in all of our Thyroid Profiles is also included as it is well documented that Magnesium deficiency will reduce the effectiveness of Thyroid Hormone production.

In January 2023, Thyroid UK was our Charity of the Month - thanks to your help, we raised £1955.77 - in addition to our ongoing commitment of £600 donated every month to the cause.
Lyn Mynott, TUK CEO, contributed a fantastic guest blog about Hypothyroidism, offering valuable insights and a different way of looking at Diagnosis. Thanks Lyn, we'll be topping the Thyroid UK Donation up to £2100!
Base Level Testing Through Thyroid Premium Bronze
TSH, FT4 and FT3 are usually available for free on the NHS - although NHS thyroid tests are usually limited to definitely TSH, usually FT4, and rarely FT3. Test frequency may also be restricted. If you are already on thyroid medication it may be useful to know your FT3 levels to monitor dosing. Thyroid Premium Bronze
Advanced Level Testing Through Thyroid Premium Silver and Gold
These Advanced Level Thyroid Profiles can be ordered as finger-prick tests or as vacutainer tests. The Thyroid Premium Silver introduces the testing of thyroid antibodies, which may be present before the standard parameters start going out of range. Patients with raised thyroid antibodies will often have symptoms of thyroid disease. The Thyroid Premium Gold also includes 3 Vitamins, Ferritin and C Reactive Protein and is therefore our most popular finger-prick thyroid test.
Advanced Level Testing Through Thyroid Premium Platinum
Available as a vacutainer test only due to the volume of blood required, this excellent thyroid testing profiles aim to get to the bottom of any thyroid investigation in in one blood draw due to the number of blood tests conducted on the one sample. The Reverse T3 is sent to America for analysis however so this profile has a turnaround time of 30 Working Days. Thyroid Premium Platinum
Thyroid Resources
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There's a reason that over 30% of Blue Horizon Kit requests are from patients that have used us before.