Blue Horizon have been supplying Finger-Prick Test Kits for over Ten Years now - They're much easier than you may think. If you don't get enough sample, we can post another kit to you so that you may try again, try a vacutainer kit instead, or receive a full refund.

Why do our Patients Like Finger-Prick Collection?
By placing the lancet against your finger, a hidden needle springs out to puncture your skin. The needle then safely pops back into the lancet device. The lancet is a sterile class 2 CA Marked medical device.
Typically, we will need 15-18 drops of blood for your home blood test. although single biomarker tests generally require less. This equates to around 800 microlitres, or 0.8 millilitres. Visually, this is about 1/8 of a teaspoon – so not very much at all. Definitely not an armful!
Yes it does a little. But having a finger prick home blood test hurts a lot less than a nurse extracting blood from your arm using a vacutainer needle. We’ve trialled five different lancets and supply the one that delivers the best results, enabling you to send a good quality sample to the lab.
We can offer a finger prick home test kit for children of all ages. Please note: Our IgG Food Intolerance Test is only suitable for children aged 2 and above.
About 15% of our customers that choose to provide a sample using the finger-prick method will fail to provide enough viable sample for the laboratory to analyse. The most common reason for failure is not reading the instructions, so we urge you to do this. If for some reason you cannot provide enough sample, we are happy to offer you the following options.
Your Options should you Fail to Collect a Viable Sample.

Have another Try for Free

Let us send you another Kit, Free of Charge. However, if you should fail again and request a third try or a refund we'll have to deduct a £10 administration charge.

Try a Phlebotomy Kit

We can send you a Phlebotomy Kit, Free of Charge - Either choose one of our Clinics for £30, a Nurse Visit for £55, or feel free to arrange your own Blood Draw.

Receive a Full Refund

Finger-Prick Testing isn't for everybody, and if you prefer, at this stage you can simply dispose of your kit in the bin and receive a Refund in Full.
Finger-Prick Health Checks

All Finger-Prick Blood Tests - Click VIEW ALL for full Range.
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