Is this blood test right for you?
Do you want to find out more about your thyroid health? Do you have symptoms affecting your mood, energy levels, skin and hair quality? Do you feel you are suffering from extreme anxiety or are under considerable stress? Is your heart racing? Are you gaining weight? Do you need to monitor your treatment regime? If you're looking for a essential thyroid check this is the profile for you but for even more detail you may of course opt for the Thyroid Premium Silver profile which contains all the Bronze components as well as Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO antibodies) and Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TG antibodies).
Blood will need to be taken between 8am and 10am for a more reliable or useful measurement of Cortisol in particular.
This test is available as a either a finger prick or a vacutainer sample collection option. You can also choose to visit a Circle Hospital or Superdrug venue, or have a Nurse Home Visit. Select option at checkout.
This Thyroid Test can be taken at Home
This Thyroid blood test is available for fingerprick (microtainer) OR Phlebotomy collectionusing one of our many phlebotomy options across the UK, or you can even choose to arrange your own!
If you're unsure about how to access this test or how the procedure works please watch this short video.
Sample Collection Options for your Thyroid Premium Bronze Test
Self Collect at Home

Free - Pay for Test Only

You can easily collect the blood required for our Thyroid Premium Bronze Blood Test at Home by using one of our Finger-Prick Collection Kits.

Visit a Partner Clinic

Adds £30 to your Kit Order

We have partnered with Superdrug Pharmacies and Circle Health Hospitals in order to provide you with Accredited Phlebotomy Services.
Nurse Home Visits

Adds £55 to your Kit Order

Let our Nurses come to your home or place of work - we cover Mainland England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Fully Accredited .
Do you have a question about Thyroid Premium Bronze? We aim to get back to you with an answer the same working day.

There's a reason that over 30% of Blue Horizon Kit requests are from patients that have used us before.