In today's fast-paced world, where stress, unhealthy eating habits, and a lack of physical activity are common, keeping track of your health is more important than ever. Regular health screenings are not just for those who are already experiencing symptoms or are at high risk for diseases; they are essential for everyone. Health screenings can detect potential health issues early, allowing you to take proactive steps to prevent serious conditions from developing.

Our comprehensive health screens are designed to give you a thorough overview of your health status. By covering a wide range of tests across various bodily systems, it provides a detailed snapshot of your current health status. Whether you're looking to catch potential health issues early, monitor existing conditions, or simply gain peace of mind, our health screens are invaluable tools.

Our baseline health assessments include the biomarkers mentioned in this article, but we offer additional screenings with expanded profiles. You can find more information about these alternative screenings here.

Comprehensive Blood Analysis: Haematology and More

A key component of our health screen is a detailed blood analysis that includes a Full Blood Count (FBC) with 15 biomarkers. This measurement proves key to evaluating general health and detecting disorders, such as anaemia or infections.

  • Full Blood Count (FBC): This test measures various components of your blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, haemoglobin, and platelets. Each element is integral to maintaining your health. For example, abnormal levels of white blood cells can indicate an infection or inflammation, while low haemoglobin can suggest anaemia.
  • HbA1C: This test measures your average blood sugar levels over the two to three months prior to your test. HbA1C is a crucial marker for diagnosing and monitoring diabetes and is vital to monitor for prevention of other long-term complications such as heart disease or nerve damage.

Kidney Function: A Vital Health Indicator

Your kidneys play a central role in filtering waste from your blood, balancing body fluids, and regulating blood pressure. Appropriately, this health screen assesses the following biomarkers:

  • Sodium and Urea: These biomarkers highlight your kidney’s ability to remove waste and balance fluids. Abnormal levels of these biomarkers could indicate kidney disease or other conditions affecting the kidneys.
  • Creatinine and eGFR: Creatinine is a waste product that your kidneys should filter out. The estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) calculates how well your kidneys are filtering your blood – a low eGFR can be an early sign of kidney dysfunction.

Liver Function: Protecting a Vital Organ

The liver is responsible for numerous essential functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. This screening covers a comprehensive liver function test measures several key biomarkers to provide a thorough analysis of your overall liver function.

  • ALT, ALP, and GGT: These enzymes help to diagnose liver damage or bile duct problems. Elevated levels can indicate liver disease, alcohol abuse, or other liver-related conditions.
  • Total Bilirubin, Albumin, and Total Protein: Testing these profiles help to reveal your liver’s ability to produce essential proteins and process waste. Dramatically raised levels can suggest liver dysfunction, malnutrition, or other underlying health issues.

Lipid Profile: Understanding Your Cholesterol Levels

    Keeping your cholesterol levels within a healthy range is vital for reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues. Our health screen comprises a detailed lipid profile that provides key insights into your heart health:

    • Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides: These tests measure the various forms of cholesterol and fats in your blood. Elevated LDL (bad cholesterol) and low HDL (good cholesterol) levels are significant risk factors for heart disease.
    • Chol: HDL Ratio: This ratio is an important indicator of your cardiovascular risk. A higher Cholesterol ratio suggests a greater likelihood of developing heart disease, making it an essential indicator when screening heart health.

    Thyroid Function: A Key to Metabolic Health

      Your thyroid gland plays a vital role in regulating your metabolism, energy levels, and overall hormonal balance so the following markers are central to understanding your metabolic health.

      • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone): Measuring the amount of TSH in your blood can indicate how well your thyroid is functioning. High TSH levels can point to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
      • Free T4: This test measures the amount of free thyroxine, a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. Again, increased levels can further confirm thyroid dysfunction and help in diagnosing thyroid conditions.

      Nutritional Status: Ensuring You Get the Essentials

        Proper nutrition provides the foundation for good health overall. Our screening evaluates your nutritional status, analysing whether your body is receiving the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal functioning.

        • Iron, Ferritin, and Transferrin Saturation: Here the screening considers your iron levels; crucial for preventing anaemia and ensuring proper oxygen transport in the blood.
        • Vitamin D (25-OH), Vitamin B12, and Folate Serum: These essential vitamins are critical for bone health, energy levels, and overall well-being. Deficiencies in these vitamins can lead to a range of health issues, from bone disorders to neurological problems.

        Bone Health: Strengthening Your Foundation

          Bone health is often overlooked until problems arise, but it is vital to maintain strong bones throughout your life. For exactly that reason, the following tests assess your overall bone health.

          • Calcium and Corrected Calcium: The screening tests the levels of calcium in your blood, which is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Abnormal levels can indicate bone disorders or problems with parathyroid gland function.
          • Uric Acid: High levels of uric acid can lead to gout, a form of arthritis that causes severe pain and inflammation in the joints. Monitoring your uric acid levels can help prevent gout and other related conditions.

          Inflammation Markers: Detecting Underlying Issues

            Inflammation is your body's natural response to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can be a sign of underlying health issues. Our health screen contains a test for High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (hs-CRP):

            • High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (hs-CRP): This test measures the level of CRP in your blood, a marker of inflammation. Elevated hs-CRP levels can indicate a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other inflammatory conditions.

            Take Control Today

            Having regular health screenings such as our Comprehensive Bronze Healthscreen can empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your health, enabling you to live a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

            Take the first step towards better health and order a comprehensive health screen today. Your future self will thank you.

            View our Health Screening Range - which is best for you?

            Quick and Reliable

            There's a reason that over 30% of Blue Horizon Kit requests are from patients that have used us before.