Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is one of the largest contributors to the symptom list of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which affects up to 10 million people in the UK. Usually, very few bacteria exist in the small intestine (in contrast to the large bowel where literally trillions of bacteria exist without causing any symptoms in most people). Excessive bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine may lead to significant problems - chronic diarrhoea, flatulence and weight loss for example.
The analysis of hydrogen and methane fermentation products, produced by these upper intestinal bacteria following ingestion of carbohydrates, is a well-proven technique for screening of SIBO (and carbohydrate intolerance), enabling both rapid diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Easy-to-use-home-sampling test kits (which simply capture air breathed out by the individual) enhance the availability of this diagnostic technique.
The test requires 10 breath samples (taken at 20-minute intervals) which allows for a higher degree of reporting accuracy.
What is a SIBO test?
It is a test which measures hydrogen and methane exhaled from the lungs. It will demonstrate whether or not it is likely that the patient is suffering from small intestinal bacterial growth.
Benefits of SIBO testing
This breath test is the most accessible and non-invasive way to test for SIBO. The human gut is the primary interface with the environment and its health is vitally important when considering ‘health and wellbeing'.
How it works
You must fast for at least 12 hours before you start collecting your breath samples, this means you should not eat any food and only have water to drink. You should continue this fast during the test period and therefore most people prefer to commence the test early in the morning to limit the length of their fast. Following a lactulose or glucose drink, 10 breath samples are collected at 20-minute intervals over a period of 3 hours. Please see our test instructions below for SIBO
Positive Outcomes
This test can easily identify abnormalities in the gut function. Accurate diagnosis provides an opportunity to address undiagnosed chronic gut conditions that may have troubled individuals for many years.
Sample Report: Please click here.
Test Instructions: Please click here.
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